Bertha Hart, Fanny Goldstein (Helman) and Sam Segall - 1916
Photo taken at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede. Bertha was then secretary to Bob Edwards of the Calgary Eye Opener. She later married Sam Segall.
Photo: courtesy Harold Segall

Peter and Rebecca Block and Daughter Martha, Calgary - c. 1925
They are proudly seated on the running board of their Columbia 6 car. Rebecca was the eldest daughter of Philip Diamond and his wife Rachel.
Photo: courtesy Dr. Martha Cohen

Dr. George Robbins - 1920
George Robbins came to Calgary with his parents in 1906 from Romania. He was educated in Calgary and went on to study medicine at McGill, Columbia University and in Europe. He became a renowned eye, ear, nose and throat specialist in Alberta.
Photo: courtesy Joyce and Jacqueline Robbins