Samuel Joseph Helman - c. 1928
Samuel Helman (1894-1981) came from Winnipeg to Calgary where he articled in the legal firm of his brother-in-law J.B. Barron and A.I. Barron. He was admitted to the Bar in 1920 and went on to a distinguished and brilliant career. He was awarded a K.C. (now Q.C.) in 1930 and appeared on several occasions before the Privy Council in England.
Photo: courtesy Glenbow Archives, Calgary, Alberta. N.A. 2982-1

Rose Belzberg and Children - c. 1929
Back row (left to right): Toby, Fay, mother Rose Belzberg, Sarah.
Front row: Louis (left) and baby Frances. Rose, nee Korytko, was from an orthodox family from Novamiasta, Poland. An "arrangement" was made with the Neighbouring Belzberg family and, at age 17, she married their handsome son Alec (Elya) in 1914. War and anti-Semitism prompted Rose to write to her brother-in-law Louis Belzberg, in Canada, to "make papers" for the family to emigrate. In 1925 Rose, then pregnant, urged Alec to leave as soon as possible, since immigration laws were subject to change. After many difficulties, she and the children joined him in Calgary in 1929.
Photo: courtesy Sarah Brager