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Author: JHSSA1905

July 28, 2013 10:00 am
Starting at the "Women are Persons!" monument to the Famous 5 in Olympic Plaza

  Historic Calgary Week 2013 promises to be an engaging and educational week for history buffs of all levels and interests. The JHSSA is participating by hosting a walking tour of historic Jewish Calgary led by JHSSA director and local historian Harry Sanders. The route will follow existing...

The JHSSA now has a twitter account. Board member Harry Sanders, Calgary's outgoing historian laureate, has agreed to do some tweeting for us. Check it out at: A link from our home page is coming soon....

7:30 Monday April 29, 2013
Calgary JCC 1607 90th Ave SW

Join the Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta for Harry’s entertaining presentation on the Calgary Palestine Exhibition of 1913, a unique event that saw models of ancient and modern Jerusalem displayed in Victoria Park. For further information, please contact us. Event Poster ...

7:30 Monday, May 13, 2013
Calgary JCC 1607 90th Ave SW

The Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta invites everyone to an evening remembering Jack Switzer. Through the years, Jack served as a JHSSA board member, president, editor and researcher. He was also a founding member of Temple B’nai Tikvah and the Little Synagogue on the...