Shumiatcher Family Portrait, Calgary - 1917
Taken at the wedding of Annie Shumiatcher and Leo Paperny.
Back row (left to right): Leo Smith, Luba Lubinisky Shumiatcher, A.I. Shumiatcher.
Third row (left to right): Bessie Shapiro, Eva Busheikin, Abe Busheikin, Harry Smith, Hilda Smith, Peretz Hirshbein, Ethel Hirshbein.
Second row (left to right): Morris Shumiatcher, Annie Paperny, Leo Paperny, Chasia Shumiatcher (holding baby), Judah Schumiatcher, Fanny Ziskin, Billy Smith.
Front row (left to right): Sarah Shumiatcher Weiner, Bella Shumiatcher (Selaby), Minuetta Shumiatcher, Morris Shumiatcher, Esther Bach.
Photo: courtesy Annie Paperny and Clara Blackstone